Rei Cosmetics is dedicated to helping you become the best possible version of yourself, and from the very beginning, our mission has been to support and celebrate everyone striving to make that happen.
Ever since we started Rei Cosmetics, we wanted to create a Thank You Card that reflects our ethos at Rei Cosmetics. We also wanted to make sure that the Thank You Card wasn’t just another item that gets tossed in the trash – we wanted it to be something you may want to keep and even hang on your fridge or wall.
To make this happen, we chose to partner with female Japanese artists who are creating beautiful artwork for everyone to enjoy. We are so honored to share the first artwork we will be featuring in our Thank You Card - Edible Color Chart by Junko Yoda, a renowned Japanese artist based in New York City.
For those of you who may not know who Junko is, below is a short bio of her esteemed career.
Born in Tokushima Japan in 1943, Junko Yoda decided to become an artist in her teens and attended Musashino Art University in Tokyo. There she met her now husband Toshihisa Yoda, and the two artists moved to New York City in 1967. Since then, she has had a series of successful artwork and gallery shows, including at Zabriskie Gallery in New York and Muramatsu Gallery in Tokyo. She resides in SoHo with her husband and son (who are also successful artists) and continues to make new artwork.
Junko’s work features the use of layers of handmade washi (Japanese fine paper) which she colors with acrylic paint. More recently, she added photo collage as a new material along with acrylic and washi. Her themes are often her surroundings. As a result, many of her artwork features New York City, but leverages Japanese materials and techniques.
Edible Color Chart combines photography with washi and paint to create an enhanced realism. We chose this artwork because it reminded us of how makeup enhances our natural beauty, much like painting highlights and accentuates the colors we already have in our natural world. It perfectly captures what we aim for at Rei Cosmetics: discovering beauty through inclusion, embracing imperfections, and celebrating the unique beauty in all of us.
As a token of our appreciation, we're including this thank you card with our orders moving forward. Please note that we have a limited number of cards with Junko’s artwork – we look forward to featuring other artists in the future.
We hope you enjoy these cards as keepsake works of art.